Baked Saffron Pancakes

Maecenas dictum elementum diam, ut semper risus pharetra quis. Pellentesque ac erat vestibulum, cursus eros vel, euismod diam. Aliquam maximus euismod nibh, nec sagittis mauris malesuada eget. Curabitur molestie justo metus, a laoreet enim ultrices quis. Integer fermentum finibus tortor at convallis.

In facilisis porttitor odio quis condimentum. Aenean cursus velit malesuada neque pellentesque, vel ultricies felis lobortis. In eget justo maximus, vehicula orci sed.

In vehicula leo ac neque pellentesque, sit amet placerat lectus aliquet. Donec bibendum auctor tortor, eget placerat augue ultricies vitae. Vivamus mollis nulla libero, at dapibus tortor egestas ut. Donec lobortis turpis dui, sit amet aliquam.

Savoury Tomato

  • Yield: Served 4
  • Prep Time: 20 Mins
  • Cook Time: 40 Mins


  • 1,5 pounds / 700 g ripe tomatoes
  • 1 tsp coarse sea salt
  • 1,5 cups / 140 g rolled oats (cert. gluten free if you prefer)
  • 6 tbsp almond meal/flour


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C / 350°F. Grease a 22 cm / 9 inch baking dish or pie tin with butter (or coconut oil).

  2. Rinse the tomatoes and cut in halves. Place in a baking dish and toss with sea salt and apple cider vinegar. Prepare the crumble in a separate bowl. Start by thoroughly mixing oats, almond meal/flour, grated parmesan, oregano and sea salt.

  3. Cut the butter into smaller pieces and add to the oat mixture. Use your hands to mix until large crumbs are formed. Pour the crumble filling evenly over the tomatoes. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes until the tomato juices are bubbling around the edges and the crumble is firm and browned. We served it with lettuce, pear and chickpeas on the side.


Keeps for about a 5 days in the fridge. Freezes and reheats well.